Rabobank: In 2019 I was artist in residence at Rabobank. Rabobank is a cooperative bank and the largest food and agri bank in the world. Rabobank’s art collection pivots around the themes People, Society and Concept.

WUR: Wageningen University and Research. WUR is among the world’s top universities in the areas of food and agri and I’ve worked with them mainly on the topic of the transition towards consuming more plant-based proteins and less meat.

Mediamatic: For more than 4 years I’ve been working closely together with Mediamatic to build and investigate pigeon towers created with waste mycelium sourced from oyster mushroom farmer John Verbruggen.

De Kleine Aarde: Currently artist in residence at De Kleine Aarde in Boxtel. De Kleine Aarde (The Small Earth) was founded in 1972 as a response to the Limits to Growth report.

Gemeente Bergen: Currently artist in residence at the Bergen municipality working on an exhibition at Museum Kranenburgh that questions the future of the Egmondermeerpolder and how to make all desires fit into one of our oldest ‘polders’.

Stichting DOEN: Stichting DOEN is a cultural foundation supporting the arts and societal change.